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Together for Accumoli
The coordinating team

Music - An Integral Part of the Reconstruction Process

In 2016 and 2017, central Italy was shaken by a series of earthquakes, bringing significant suffering and destruction to the region. The historic centre of the town of Accumoli was largely destroyed.

The "Accademia Vicino di Accumoli" is a music academy aiming to support the complex reconstruction process. Its focus extends beyond physical reconstruction of the buildings, squares and infrastructure and encompasses the revitalisation of cultural, social and religious life in Accumoli, with the ultimate goal of creating economic momentum and restoring functionality to the town.

The "Accademia Vicino di Accumoli" not only seeks to assist international musical talents in discovering the hidden treasures of Accumoli and its surroundings but also aims to promote local musical talent and foster an international network.

Moreover, it endeavors to instill in young musical talents an awareness of the responsibility their skills bear. Music can be used to support the reconstruction of destroyed historic towns and cities and bring endless joy in the process. Music is now an integral part of strategic reconstruction ("Mapa di comunità").

The academy organizes music lessons and orchestra rehearsals, alongside concerts held in Norcia and Accumoli.

Musical accompaniments are planned for earthquake commemorations, as well as a local band performance. Additionally, lectures on the reconstruction process and visits to earthquake-damaged sites are scheduled, providing participants with insights into local culture, specialties, and products, leaving them with unforgettable memories.Initiated by Art in Dialogue and the University for Continuing Education Krems (Danube University Krems), the "Accademia Vicino di Accumoli" operates in collaboration with the "Comune di Accumoli," "Radici Accumolesi," "Pro Loco di Accumoli," "Corpo bandastico di Accumoli," and the "Comune di Norcia."

The "Accademia Vicino di Accumoli" is one of several projects organised by the "Scuola di Ricostruzione di Accumoli", representing a consortium comprising the Comune di Accumoli, the University for Continuing Education Krems (Danube University Krems), La Sapienza University of Rome, the Pontifical Athenaeum Sant'Anselmo, the Camerino University, the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, the Masaryk University of Brno, the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava and the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Czech Republic Academy of Science and the city of Venzone. This interdisciplinary cooperation aims to develop and implement long-term teaching and research projects for the holistic reconstruction of destroyed historical centers.

Univ.-Prof. Dipl. Arch. ETH Dr. Christian Hanus

Head of the Research Lab Sustainable Cultural Heritage, University for Continuing Education Krems

Gabriele Kohl

Management assistant

Research Lab Sustainable Cultural Heritage

University for Continuing Education Krems

Univ. Prof. Dr.
Johannes Wildner


Research Lab Sustainable Cultural Heritage

University for Continuing Education Krems

Mag. Reinhold Rieger


Research Lab Sustainable Cultural Heritage

University for Continuing Education Krems

Mag. Richard Sickinger

Scientific associate

Research Lab Sustainable Cultural Heritage

University for Continuing Education Krems

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